Comparison of advantages:
Wooden scaffolding planks
1. Easily stack and transport. Wooden planks are strong and they stack easily when in transport.
2. Less expensive than steel scaffolding planks. Many scaffolding purchasers and scaffolding rental agents use the wooden scaffolding planks as they are significantly less expensive than a steel purpose-built scaffolding working platform.
3. Anti-slide. Some workers prefer the use of the wooden planks since the steel platforms are often slick and tend to slide on the steel tubing of the scaffold sections.
1. Convenient for transport. Scaffolding steel planks are made in the same specifications. Which can be transported easily.
2. Long service life. Five to eight years cycle using. Scaffolding steel planks have a longer service life than wooden scaffolding planks which are easy to be corrosive. Wooden scaffolding planks are usually scrapped after its one-time use.
3. Time-saving and labor saving. Easy to erect and dismantle. The structure is strong enough for having the large bearing capacity to hold more workers working on the scaffolding platforms. The strong structure provided by scaffolding steel planks can reduce the time for construction and enhance the working efficiency.
Comparison of shortcomings:
Wooden scaffolding planks
1. Potential hazard to accidents happened. Wooden scaffolding planks using a long time may be corrosive by oxidizing reaction which will be weak. It is unsafe to work on the longtime using wooden scaffolding planks.
2. Wooden characteristics which easy to catch fire.
3. Environmental hazardous. For manufacturing wooden scaffolding planks, a lot of timber are needed. Which means a large number of trees will be cut down.
Scaffolding steel planks
1. Easy to rust, long time using scaffolding is not safe for the worker.
2. Easy to slide. The scaffolding steel planks pool the rainwater, creating a dangerous slipping condition.
3. Heavy for handling. Need more labor force to erect and dismantle.
ADTOScaffold is a China-based scaffolding manufacturer specializing in scaffolding solutions for industrial, municipal and commercial projects across the globe. Wishing to have cooperation with you!